Planning Your Homeschool Curriculum – The First Steps
Do you love to look through catalogues, shop on-line, or do you need to get your hands onto your prospective purchases? Once you jump into this homeschooling pool you soon realize there is an even larger pool of amazing curriculum you can choose from! This post isn’t about planning out curriculum day by day, but focuses on the first stages of planning and choosing your curriculum. I usually start my curriculum search on-line. Window shopping on-line is a great starting point to your search without adding the clutter of magazines to your desk or counter tops. While you are on-line,
Choosing Homeschool Curriculum
Homeschool curriculum is a hot topic among those new to homeschooling as well as those of us who have been at it for a while. Questions about curriculum are some of the most common, perhaps even running neck-and-neck with the ‘socialization’ question. A vast array of amazing curriculum exists to support you in this journey, no matter what method(s) you use or special needs you may need to address. We have options! In fact, it can sometimes feel like there are too many choices and you can feel overwhelmed. (Remember the first homeschool convention you went to and the
Homeschooling Middle School and High School
Ever feel like you have just got this homeschooling thing on a roll and then all of a sudden it is time to change things up again? You have finally found your rhythm and groove with your toddlers, 1st grade, 3rd grade, 5th grade, and 8th grade kiddos; then spring comes, homeschool conferences start up and you realize something. It suddenly hits you that you are a mom/dad to kids who will be entering the Middle School and/or High School years! Whoa! How did that happen? You also find all your friends and family are throwing a whole new
iHomeschool Studio – Online Learning for the Homeschool Parent
Note: The Live iHomeschool Studio event has past but the MP3 recordings are still available, click on this link: iHomeschool Studio MP3 Recordings, or on any photo to purchase. *Affiliate link Ever wish you could pack up and escape to a Home School Conference? Then reality hits and you realise this year it won’t happen for you. It could be due to combined costs, let’s face it the fees can add up quickly! Travel Registration Hotel Meals Babysitting This year is different! This year you CAN attend a 4 day educational event made just for Homeschooling Parents! iHomeschool