Tags: Charlotte Mason, children, christian, Classical, Encouragement, homeschool, Homeschooling, HSITips, kids, laundry, love, methods, philosophy, secular, stronger
All Homeschoolers Need to Stick Together To Be Stronger

No matter what homeschool philosophy or method you follow, we all have similarities and common ground we can stand on. All too often I see or hear of homeschool families divided. The Unschoolers v.s. the Classical; the Charlotte Mason v.s. the Textbook Style, Christian Homeschoolers v.s. the Secular Homeschoolers, etc. But, what if we stuck together, despite what style, method or philosophy we adhere to? What if we celebrated what we have in common instead of separating ourselves by our differences? What could we accomplish? For one thing, we could give homeschooling a stronger more unified voice. When it comes
Kick Homeschool Fear, Worry and Doubt to the Curb

You have weighed all your options, you’ve pumped yourself up and now you are ready to declare yourself a “homeschooler”! Feeling excited and at peace with your decision, you start to gather resources, plan field trips and set up your home to be a haven where children fall in love with learning. Even your children are excited! They start to dig into their History lessons, craft projects, and even fill their spare moments with exploring, self-directed learning, and fun, imaginative play. Then “that day” comes! That day where hour upon hour nothing seems to go right…nothing! Not only that, you
Add Value to Your Homeschool

We often think of value in terms of marketing or consumerism, but what if we thought of value within our family unit? Each and every member of our family has their own value they add. We all have special talents which can enhance our family relationships. Have an evening or a rainy afternoon meeting with your kids to brainstorm and help one another recognize their own special gifts and talents? I’m sure your family has someone who: Can make you laugh Enjoys a good and lively discussion Is a caregiver Can fix or build things Bakes or cooks Is musical
Your Favourite HSI Posts from 2014

As we move into a new year we reflect on the one we left behind and look forward into the year to come. In doing so, I thought I would take the time to share with all of you the Top Ten of Home School Innovation for 2014. Here are your favourite HSI Posts from 2014: Tips For Homeschooling the Early Years …You Can Do It! How To Rise Above the Negative 8 Homeschooling Methods Homeschooling Middle School and High School How I Teach Critical Thinking in Our Homeschool Spelling Help – Think Outside the Box and Have Fun! Think
Enjoying Family Holidays and Christmas

Are you swimming in your Holiday To Do List? Grabbing your coffee or tea on the run and feeling the pressure for everything to be perfect? During busy holiday seasons, or even seasons when family commitments abound and pile high on your plate, it is easy to be too focused on that looming to-do list. We can become so burdened with a whirlwind of errands, making the best Christmas cookies, or having the kids finish off their Math assignments before you declare “Christmas Break”, that we fall short in taking time to breathe and enjoy the season with our family.