mom – Home School Innovation Tips, Tactics and Techniques to Help You Find Your Homeschool Groove! Wed, 06 Jul 2016 18:02:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 mom – Home School Innovation 32 32 Planning Your Homeschool Curriculum – The First Steps Fri, 12 Sep 2014 01:19:40 +0000 Do you love to look through catalogues, shop on-line, or do you need to get your hands onto your prospective purchases?

Once you jump into this homeschooling pool you soon realize there is an even larger pool of amazing curriculum you can choose from!

This post isn’t about planning out curriculum day by day, but focuses on the first stages of planning and choosing your curriculum.

Planning Your Homeschool Curriculum

Planning Your Homeschool

I usually start my curriculum search on-line

Window shopping on-line is a great starting point to your search without adding the clutter of magazines to your desk or counter tops.

While you are on-line, look up some homeschool bloggers who share the resources they are using or have tried.
This is a great way to find homeschool curriculum companies too as they often work closely with homeschool bloggers.  With the help help of bloggers, curriculum publishers can promote their products as well as educate us on how to effectively use their curriculum.


Need to know where to start to find amazing homeschool bloggers?

Check out iHomeschool Network, they have a team of wonderful homeschool moms who often do reviews and share how they use their curriculum.  As well, you will find many of them offer free or low cost printables which may be all you need for certain subjects.


Once you short list a few curriculum companies, publishers, or educational toy suppliers, you can then seek them out and ask for their catalogues.  Most curriculum publishers also offer sample lessons or assessments which is a great way to see if it is a fit for your child.

If you need to know where or how to request homeschool catalogues, check out this post by Jimmie Lanley  Where to Request Homeshool Catalogue. 

As much as I do search on-line, I love catalouges!

By the time I am done looking through my catalogues, they have sticky tabs everywhere, are highlighted, dog eared, and pen marked.

When I am in planning mode, my catalogues, sticky notes, pen and notepad go everywhere with me!


Get Your Hands On the Books and Materials

Homeschool Conventions are great for us to learn, expand our thoughts, to get encouragement, and also to meet up with friends; but they also have the Vendor Hall!

The first time I stepped across the hallway from the conference rooms to the vendor hall and walked through the doors I was overcome with excitement!


 I love books and games, not to mention all the music, art and science stuff!  I thought to myself — YES! This will be great!


I started out with a spring in my step eager to buy everything in one stop, however, I did become a bit overwhelmed.

Before I let that overwhelming feeling take too strong a hold of me, I zipped outside for a coffee break and began to focus on what our essentials were.

What curriculum did I need and what could I manage without. (Read: Choosing Homeschool Curriculum for more tips)


Yes, the vendor hall is great, you can get your essential supplies and books done in one fell swoop!

Another benefit of the vendor hall at a homeschool convention is you can hold the curriculum in your hands, and take some time to really look at it!


If you are debating between two Math programs or History for instance, the vendor hall is a great place to be.

You have the opportunity to speak with the publishers or representatives and you can look through their program.


Don’t forget other parents who use the curriculum are also there making their purchases.  Don’t be shy, ask if they have a minute to share why they like Math “XYZ”, ask how they use it in their home.

Often other Moms and Dads are willing to take a few moments to help out another homeschooler; after all, we have all been the ones standing there with 2 hands holding 2 different books wondering which one to go with.


Even after 8 1/2 years, I have times where I need to compare and contrast in order to figure out what will work best.  In fact, as I write this I am taking a break from looking through some different Science curriculum I borrowed from a friend and comparing it to what we are currently using.


Whether you are a new homeschooling parent or one who has been at it for a while, no matter what method you follow, we all have to plan our homeschool curriculum and books every year for each of our children.

We all have this in common.


What is your favourite way to plan and organize your homeschool curriculum?




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iHomeschool Studio – Online Learning for the Homeschool Parent Tue, 04 Feb 2014 22:23:54 +0000 Note:

The Live iHomeschool Studio event has past but the MP3 recordings are still available, click on this link: iHomeschool Studio MP3 Recordings, or on any photo to purchase.



iHomeschool Studio 2014 MP3’s


*Affiliate link

Ever wish you could pack up and escape to a Home School Conference?

Then reality hits and you realise this year it won’t happen for you.

It could be due to combined costs, let’s face it the fees can add up quickly!

  • Travel

  • Registration

  • Hotel

  • Meals

  • Babysitting

This year is different!  

This year you CAN attend a 4 day educational event made just for Homeschooling Parents!

iHomeschool Network had pulled together some Amazing Homeschool Speakers, for people like you and me who can’t get out to a 4 day conference. iHomeschool Studio is an online webinar event which takes place February 11-14, 2014 and it is only $25!!


iHomeschool Studio

*This post contains affiliate links to this event

Not only can we listen in the comfort and of our homes but it is also very affordable!  When you register you will also be provided with the mp3 recordings, so you can go back to listen again and again.

Sessions range from organizing and frugal homeschooling to personality and learning styles. We will offer help with intense kids, high school students, and lazy kids. Although we cover academics like science, music, and geography, we also delve into matters of the heart as we help you instill a love of Christian missions in your children and build positive character traits all while maintaining the spark in your marriage. There is something for everyone! ~iHomeschool Studio


What’s Included in your Ticket Price?

  • 24 live sessions 

  • Audio recordings of all 24 sessions (MP3 format)

  • Discounts, door prizes, give-aways from the sponsors and speakers

Don’t forget the convenience factor!

  • You can watch/listen at your own pace.

  • You can get the kids going on a project, make yourself a hot cup of coffee/tea, sit for a session or two and soak up all that encouragement.

  • You can even fold the laundry while you are watching.  (Who am I kidding, we all know I won’t fold the laundry! 😉 )

  • You can declare a p.j. day, kids can play games or do arts and crafts while you tune in.

I also love that the mp3 audio recordings of ALL 24 sessions are included in the ticket price.

Now we don’t have to worry about all our Mom taxi duties or grocery runs, just download and take all the encouraging iHomeschool Studio talks on the road!


iHomeschool Studio


iHomeschool Studio

iHomeschool Studio

iHomeschool Studio





 I am very excited to listen to these awesome speakers as I am not able to travel to the other homeschool conferences this year.



This online webinar is a perfect way for me to get a little “Professional Development” for our homeschool!



What are you waiting for?


Grab your tickets to the iHomeschool Studio and join me in the audience for some homeschool encouragement!






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Recovering from Homeschool Burnout Tue, 15 Oct 2013 21:07:33 +0000  

Homeschool burnout, it happens.

Even when we think it can’t happen to us, it can.

I am not an expert, nor do I hold a degree in psychology, but I am a Mom.

A mom who homeschools, a mom who lives real life.

A life where laundry never folds itself and thus sits too long in baskets, where library books are sometimes overdue, where we have days supper has to be ordered in last minute because I was too tired to run to the grocery store.

But also a life full of fun, smiles, hugs, games, toys and learning along side of my wonderful family.

We all know life, at times, has a way of dishing out way too much on our already overfull plates.  It has happened to me more than once, so I thought I would share some things I do to recover from those moments of feeling tired, overwhelmed or even what we all fear:  Burnout.

This is not my expert opinion, but rather things I do for myself to help stay on track and yes…even recover in times of burnout

Recover from Homeschool Burnout

Homeschool Burnout



My Real Life Recovery Strategies:

  1. Prayer/Meditation

  2. Fun, Fun and More Fun; plan a Field Trip!   “Planning the Perfect Family Field Trip”

  3. Coffee Shops and Book Stores – Journal some basic ideas to get back your groove   “Find Your Homeschool Groove”

  4. Get Up and Get Moving   “How I Stay Fit With Kids Underfoot”  (my guest post at Lisa Johnson Fitness )

  5. Puzzles, Games and Play Dough

  6. Make a trip to the Food Bank or Gather things for a Toy Drive

  7. Pick a Small Corner of your House to re-vamp

  8. Unplug

  9. Get More Sleep

  10. Take some goofy pictures with your kids

  11. A good cup of tea and a good book for a family read-a-loud

  12. Take a Nature walk with your kids or just you and your spouse

  13. Skype with a friend

  14. Play some of your favourite music

  15. Say “NO thank you” to adding more into your schedule

  16. Celebrate Your Family – Have a Dance Party

Bottom Line:

Never loose touch with what makes you smile, what energizes you and what moves you.

Time for ourselves as homeschool parents may be limited, but that just means we need to be more diligent about taking care of ourselves.

Schedule time for yourself to recover!

What do you like to do to unwind and re-focus?

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It’s Your Day! Fri, 14 Dec 2012 18:00:52 +0000 How did you start your morning?

I used to be both a night owl and a morning person, it was great!  It also baffled everyone around me how I could be just as chipper in the early mornings as I could be later in the evenings.

For a long time I took my ability to be an “any kind of day person”  for granted!  I haven’t been embracing my mornings like I used to, I haven’t been mindful of what works for me.

I’m not sure when this happened? (nor will I dwell on when or why)

Life has a way of throwing so much at our feet from time to time which can easily distract us from the core and essence of who we are.  This isn’t to say that what is thrown our way is all bad either, some of it is good.

In fact, I can become more distracted by the beauty in my life sometimes more than the bad things.  Either way, it is a distraction.

This morning, however I woke up earlier than I have in a long time (very early) without having to set my alarm.

I was tired and could’ve gone right back to sleep had it not been for the nagging shooting pain going down my leg.  (Yes, I awoke to a pinched sciatic nerve.)  So, I got up and on with my day; thinking either way I will be tired so I may as well be up and at ’em.

It’s Your Day!

I stumbled to the kitchen in the dark of the morning, kids and dogs still deep in slumber, and make myself a cup of coffee.  I opened the curtains, it is still dark outside, so I turn on a small light in the corner and just sit.

  Just me

my hot coffee

my family all still snug as bugs

the quiet

the dimly lit room

the stillness and gift of a new day

Suddenly I was overcome with a realization >> I forgot how much I LOVE early mornings!

Why did I let it slip away from me?

The stillness and quietness has a way of helping me sort through all those stirring thoughts we can all have.  I gain so much clarity in the quiet of the morning!

I am so thankful for waking up early today, it reminded me not only of how important it is for me to be up to enjoy the early mornings, but it also reminded me that I can choose my outlook of the coming day.

Thinking back to those days when my co-workers and friends were amazed by my ability to be both a morning person just as much as I could be a night owl I realize it was my decision to be that way.

We can choose to be joyful, and to take on our day with a smile; whether it be in the morning, the evening, or anywhere in between.

Life can be hard enough without us getting in our own way and forgetting what works for us.

I am taking back my mornings!

What are doing to get back on track today?


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Housework and Homeschool: Striking a Balance Wed, 24 Oct 2012 15:30:19 +0000 Don’t all homeschool families have the perfect mom/wife  (dad/husband) running the ship?

Well, I am here to say not all us moms are the perfect housewife.

My house gets messy, sometimes we buy store bought cookies, and order in pizza!

 There I said it! 

Phew … what a load off my mind!

I find there still seems to be  a few stigmas out there once people discover you homeschool.

Some people  really imagine  a pioneer living type of scene where the mom…that’s me…is dressed in a long cotton skirt,  with long hair, either braided or rolled up into a bun,  who is hanging out the laundry, beating the dust out of the rugs, and has at minimum 2 fresh baked fruit pies cooling on the window sill.

The other thought out there is that I am at home covered in chalk dust with my glasses hanging around my neck on a string after a long day of being teacher to my kids.

Truth is, homeschool families come in all shapes and sizes, we are all different but one thing we have in common is we are all trying to find balance.

My Reality    

  • I wear blue jeans.

  • Paper can and does take over any flat surface there is in our home.

  •  I need 1 night a week where we order in.

  •  I don’t do buns in my hair (no offense to those who wear skirts, or buns…but it just isn’t my thing)

  • We have a new washer/dryer combo (no hanging out the laundry for me)

  • Once my welcome mats get too dirty, where they just can’t be rinsed out any more…I buy new ones

  •  I enjoy baking and can even make a pretty decent apple or pecan pie, pastry and all…I just don’t devote a lot of my time to that.

  • I rarely use the chalkboard…I sit with the kids by their table they work at so I can help them.

  • My youngest still requires me to be a little more hands on.

  • Once academics are out of the way,  it’s time for another cup of coffee and a read-a-loud.

  • My kids mostly make lunch for themselves, which means I am letting go of the neat and tidy to allow them to learn! *(See Side Note below)

My oldest is just about 12, so I will assist him if preparations require using the stove/sharp knife, but other than that, they all enjoy preparing their own lunch.

By allowing them the freedom to make their own lunch they are  learning the importance of small tasks like…clean as you go, not to mention gaining essential life skills.

*Side Notes About Kids in the Kitchen:

  1. When kids help make meals, they also make a mess

  2. Through the mess, they learn how to clean up

  3. The mess usually happens when you are pressed for time

  4. You may have to follow behind their clean up to be sure all the jam is wiped up

  5. You can’t always get it all done, don’t exhaust yourself

  6. Find what needs doing the most, do that and let kids help with the rest

  7. Don’t forget to have a cup of coffee (or tea)…and breathe  😉

Make A Priority List

My Must Do’s:

  • Clean dishes, counters all wiped clean even if there is still a pile of paper in one corner

  • Clean bathrooms

  • Tidy entry way

  • Clean kitchen table

What I Let Go:

  • The pile of mail or papers may not get put away or filed

  • Folding laundry (maybe a little too much :/ )

  • Outside commitments which may interfere with family time

I do enjoy a clean and organized home, but I am also quite good at recognizing just how far I can go and at what cost.

To push into and beyond exhaustion to have the perfect house will not make me a better mom or wife for my family.

I would rather have energy to have fun with my kids and with our homeschooling.

Time for Me to be Me

At the end of the day I enjoy doing something for myself and it is very important to do so!

Some things I enjoy:

  • Read

  • Write

  • Workout

  • Hang out with my husband and watch a movie

  • Chat with a friend

To write this post, my “me time”,  I chose to ignore the 2 baskets of laundry.  Fact is the laundry will be there tomorrow, I can fold it while my kids work on some academic type stuff, but my time for me to nourish who I am is not negotiable.

Balance can be somewhat tricky, in fact it requires us to be alert and present in all we do.

“Think of Balance as a moving target, you are always having to adjust your aim and take into account other outside influences.”

What is hard for you to let go of or leave until tomorrow?


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Do you look your children in the eyes when talking to them? Fri, 24 Aug 2012 19:14:09 +0000 Do you look your children in the eyes when talking to them?

Here is some encouragement for you to slow down and take the time to look into those sweet eyes of your children:

For more on this topic check out my blog post:

Engage Eye to Eye and Learn with your Kids!



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Time for Mom Wed, 11 Jan 2012 04:53:17 +0000
Do you take time for yourself?  I’m talking about real time for you.

I am really good at putting myself last and know that it can start slowly out of the simplest things like caring for a sick  child.  Of course you would cancel all of your “me time” to care for him/her, but if you are not mindful these necessary cancellations of your “me time” they can creep in and steel more and more of you away.

So what can we do about this?

If, for instance, your time for you is to craft/scrapbook/knit/workout etc.  these require a bit of time and planning.  They also require you to be very present and hands on.

What I have learned is that when things get hectic, crazy and out of sync  I still need to make my “me time” happen, even if it is simply having a quiet cup of tea or reading a great book.  

When life is chaotic,  it is okay to do your  “me time” differently!  Make a conscious effort to be mindful that this is your time to replenish a little, even if it is five minutes scattered through out your day.

Make a list of small things that recharge you, put it with your recipe box under a tab heading of your choice (Remember my post:  “Why Do You Want to Homeschool?”) and remember to reach for it when your schedule gets out of sync and you need to go into more of a survival mode.  Taking the time to think and organize these  small things to recharge you will help you be better prepared to also take care of youurself.

Now let’s move on to when things are running smoothly and fairly “normal”.  What do you like to do for you?

If you have been living in survival mode for too long, then step out and try different things.  Make a list and have some fun!  Remember to actually plan and get out to try some of those things on your list.

Mom Time

Taking Care of Mom


Planning for your “me time”

  • Support> People around you need to know what you are doing.  Let your husband and children know there will be a change in routine so you can take up something that is of interest to you.  While you are at it let your friends and neighbours know too;  the more people you tell, the more support and reminders you will have.  They will be good reminders for you as they will most likely ask how your knitting project or your workouts are going.

  • Schedule> Now that you have announced to everyone what you are going to do to take care of yourself, you need to make a schedule of when it can happen.  I started with one workout per week.

  • Organize> Once you have decided on what you want to do, take a look at what time of day you will be out, is it close to supper?  Do you need to have crockpot meals ready or pre-make some meals? Line up a babysitter to have on call for those times your husband or older child may not be able to help you out.  Don’t let yourself cancel your “me time”.   You are too precious and valuable to your family to let yourself fall to the sidelines.

  • Flexibility> Since so much of the home schooling and family errands fall on Mom, do allow for some flexibility.  Sometimes, even with all the support, scheduling, and organizing things just happen; allowing for flexibility will help your entire family.  Mom taking care of herself doesn’t mean you can allow the rest of the family to fall apart.  Please Note:  Being flexible does not have to mean cancelling your “me time”, it can mean you re-schedule right away and as close as possible to your regular scheduled “me time”.  It also means, that if absolutely need be, you can substitute the smaller things that recharge you which I mentioned at the beginning of this post.

Like I said before, you are a valuable asset to your family, you are the heart of the home.  Your family will feel good and happy knowing that you are feeling refreshed.

My kids get excited for me to go workout and ask me how it went.  Not to mention, I am setting a great example for them, I have worked myself back from injury to doing things that I have never done before, like running for 5 km.  I am proud of myself!  Working out also allows me to have a ‘brain break’ of sorts.  I need to concentrate on what I am doing, set goals for myself, etc. and it keeps me healthy.


Before I let you go here are some thoughts from Charlotte Mason:  Time for Mothers

“If mothers could learn to do for themselves what they do for their children when these are overdone, we should have happier households. Let the mother go out to play! If she would have the courage to let everything go when life becomes too tense, and just take a day, or half a day, out in the fields, or with a favourite book, or in a picture gallery looking long and well at just two or three pictures, or in bed, without the children, life would go on far more happily for both children and parents. The mother would then be able to hold herself in “wise passiveness’ and would not fret her children by continual interference even of hand or eye – she would let them be.”

Who was Charlotte Mason?

Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason (1 January 1842 – 16 January 1923) was a British educator who invested her life in improving the quality of children’s education. Her ideas led to a method used by some  homeschoolers.

I am getting better at finding a balance that is right for me and my family providing myself with time to take part in something which interests me.  I don’t always put myself last, and when survival mode hits I still manage to take care of me too, finding sprinkles of grace throughout my day.

What about you, what interests do you have?  What can you do to help recharge and take care of yourself?

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