Tags: academics, bright ideas press, Education, elementary, geography, high school, homeschool, Homeschooling, lesson plans, lessons, middle school, Parenting, peace, preschoolers, routines, schedules, science, summer, year round
Adopting Year Round Homeschooling, New Curriculum and Loving It

*This post contains affiliate links to products I use in our homeschool, see disclosure policy for full details. We have often kept up some sort of study throughout summer. We are a family who embraces learning as a way of life v.s. something more institutional and dry. Not to mention we live in Canada, so studying botany or entomology in the dead of winter (and -35 Celsius) just isn’t practical or rewarding. Until this year however, our summer homeschooling has been quite unstructured. This year I made the decision to truly embrace a year round homeschool schedule. We still make