Tags: books, Curriculum, discussion, Education, grammar, home, homeschool, HSITips, ihomeschool network, lessons, literature, novels, poetry, read aloud, reading, writing
Supporting Young Writers in Your Homeschool With Great Literature

*This post contains affiliate links to a curriculum we use in our home school. See disclosure policy for full details. Are you and your kids tired of the same old writing drills? Do your homeschool bookshelves house more than three types of writing curriculum? Writing, even if you feel you are quite good at it yourself, can be one of those subjects you find hard to teach in your homeschool. Why? Because, we tend to automatically recall and implement techniques from when we were in school. Think back to all the creative writing assignments, ugh! I enjoyed using my imagination,
Homeschool Business Letter Project

I contacted a real estate broker I know to ask her if my children could send their business letters to her and if she would read them over. To my delight she said yes! The Lesson Plan Show the children an example of a business letter and explain block style v.s. semi block style. Make sure they understand where to put the date, address, salutation etc. I explained that these letters would be going to a local real estate broker, so they should brainstorm what kind of business they are in and what kind of letter they could write. Once
Spelling Can Be F-U-N!

Spelling can be: Monotonous, boring, tedious, time consuming, the list can go on and on and that is just how I feel, never mind the kids. I have a solution for you … make spelling F–U-N ! It is proven that our emotions directly correlate to how much we learn and retain! (it’s true!) Keeping a positive and fun atmosphere will keep everyone, including mom, engaged and excited to learn. Think about when someone has the opportunity to engage in a hobby, it is something they don’t mind investing time in as it is a positive and joyful experience.