You are here: Home > Have a Better Homeschool Day!
November 7, 2012 |
This Post is a little different.
This post is a Challenge!
I am aware challenges can feel slightly daunting…but this one is easy and so worth while, I promise!
Take the focus off yourself, help someone else out and improve everyone’s day in the process!

Little Things Make a Difference
Your Challenge
Keep an eye out for someone who might need a hand today. In fact we can do this everyday!
Get your family involved and make a difference. Yes, even the toddlers! Children have amazing generous spirits, we need to let them shine and let them be helpful in their own special way!
My little ones often would try with all their might to hold a door for someone, and I would let them.
Sure, I would actually help hold the door so they wouldn’t get hurt, but it was all about their effort; and they would be thanked by whomever they helped.
It is so important to involve our youngsters when we perform acts of generosity or kindness! Yes, it might actually take a wee bit of more time, but it is time well spent. Our children are our future!
Some Suggestions to Get You Started
*Hold a door
*Give a smile
*Offer to help the young mom who is juggling toddler/baby/stroller/bags
*Grab some spare change change & let your kids drop it into a worthy donation box
*Drop off some food bank donations
*Bake something for a neighbour
*Good deeds within your family
You get the idea….start brainstorming with your kids and fill your week with little acts of kindness.
Share in my comment section what you did to make a difference this week.
I can’t wait to hear from you!
*Never under estimate the power of the little things!
Tags: #HSILittleThings, acts of kindness, challenge, Encouragement, family time, generosity, help, homeschool, HSITips, joy, kindness, little things, socialization